Pomegranate Extract

Utilize Pomegranate Extract in your livestock feed to harness its natural antioxidant power, supporting heart health, immune function, and overall animal vitality.

SKU: 19002 Category:

Pomegranate Extract:

Boosting Livestock Health Naturally


Pomegranate Extract is a top natural supplement for animal feed, known for its strong antioxidant effects. With polyphenols like punicalagins and ellagic acid, it offers many health benefits. It fights oxidative stress, supports heart health, and boosts overall well-being. It’s great for poultry, swine, and cattle, improving immune function, growth, and feed efficiency.

Key Benefits

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Shields cells from oxidative harm, improving cell health.
  • Heart Health: Keeps the circulatory system healthy and supports heart health.
  • Immune Boost: Powers up the immune system, helping animals resist diseases.

In Feed

  • Boosts Vitality: Elevates general health and energy, making animals more active and productive.
  • Encourages Growth: Helps young and growing animals develop healthily.
  • Makes Feed Better: Increases feed’s nutritional impact, promoting healthier growth.


Tailor Pomegranate Extract use to your livestock’s needs, considering their species, age, and health. Consulting a nutrition expert ensures the best mix.

Our Quality Promise

Our Pomegranate Extract meets strict quality criteria, offering a powerful natural antioxidant for your animals’ diet. It’s a prime choice for enhancing health and vitality in farming.


Choosing our Pomegranate Extract for your feed is smart for higher antioxidant levels, better heart health, and improved livestock well-being and productivity.

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